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I help you get results and create a better quality of life for yourself

The only thing stopping you from living the life you desire is YOU!


I can help you overcome any obstacle that comes your way so that you finally find a better job or start your own business. Create the life you've always wanted. It's in your hands. 


Are you ready?



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I am Gaga Lalic, an ICF-accredited coach (ACC) and NLP Practitioner with 7-year experience working for an international company. Going through completely different roles, from Team Leader to HR, taught me the importance of being flexible and open to new challenges. 

Passionate about helping people use their full potential to improve their professional and private life. Seeing my clients achieve their goals and create the life they want for themselves is my goal. It's what makes me happy.

Hide and Seek
“I was lost trying to follow career that I wasn’t particularly passionate about because I was afraid to follow my dream, so my dream career was always a plan B. When we started coaching, I said I needed help to develop a business idea for the career that I wasn’t passionate about, but seemed easier, therefore less risky. But I was so wrong. After just few sessions, she helped me realize that and I got motivated to start something I’ve been dreaming about since childhood.
Coach Gaga has an amazing approach, not only that she guides me to discover my inner strength that we all have, but she also helps me to set achievable goals that will bring me closer to making my dreams come true. I have already seen a huge difference in my thoughts, that led to actions. Our sessions are fun, and I especially love when we do exercises. Her voice is calming and it is very pleasant to talk to. I can’t wait for further achievements that I can benefit from coaching with coach Gaga.”

-Tami -

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